Whilst the organisation strives to ensure that at all times customers, candidates, clients and users of our programmes and services will be fully satisfied, we acknowledge that there may be occasions where this is not always the case. Therefore in the instance where any individual is unhappy with the service we have provided, the following procedure will apply.
Stage one
Where any individual is unhappy with a programme or a service provided, they should put their grievance in writing, as soon as possible stating the nature of their compliant to;
(Envelope marked Private and Confidential)
Compliance Manager
High Skill centre Ltd
410-421 Coventry Road,
West Midlands
B10 0TH
Telephone: 0121 238 4563
Email: hussain@highskillcentre.co.uk
Stage Two
Upon receipt of the letter of complaint the IQM will be responsible for ensuring that the complaint is investigated. Within 5 Working Days of receiving the letter of complaint the IQM will write to the individual to acknowledge receipt of the complaint, and explaining how their grievance will be addressed. We aim to resolve all complaints within at the maximum 10 working Days although
always striving to resolve within a quicker time frame. If for a variety of reasons the complaint cannot be investigated fully and concluded within 10 Working Days, the IQM will write to the individual stating this and indicating when the investigation will be completed and a response provided.
Stage Three
If the individual is dissatisfied with the outcome of the investigation, they may consider that In parallel to this Complaints Procedure all candidates undertaking accredited qualifications with High Skill centre Ltd are at liberty to raise issues and concerns as outlined by the various Awarding Bodies. This procedure will have been notified to each candidate upon registration for his or her award.
We shall endeavour to resolve issues at a very early stage to the satisfaction of all, although complaints are not satisfactory we welcome them to enable the development of the service we provide.
Stage Four
In the event of your complaint outcome is still not to the satisfactory to your expectations, all candidates undertaking accredited qualifications with High Skill Centre ltd are at liberty to raise issues and concerns as outlined by the various Awarding Bodies to them, directly followed up by Ofqual. This procedure will have been notified to each candidate upon registration for his or her award. Ofqual can only support and advise but not on any technical issues.
Definition of Formal Complaint
A formal complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction concerning a product or service, when the complainant has drawn his or her concern to the attention of one of our employees and is not satisfied with the response. We take all complaints extremely seriously and all staff are trained and committed to rectify any problem as soon as it is brought to their attention. It is recognised that a customer who has a complaint dealt with to their complete satisfaction is likely to become a more
loyal customer.
Making a Formal Complaint
If you are dissatisfied with the way your problem has been dealt with by a front line member of staff, we encourage you to ask to speak to the Director. You have the choice as to whether you wish to have your formal complaint dealt with by telephone, by letter or email. If you prefer to have your complaint dealt with in writing, please forward details of the complaint to Mr Hussain. You should include as much information as possible, including the nature of the problem, the date the problem occurred and details of who you have spoken to at the centre about the problem. You should also tell us what you think we should do to resolve your complaint. Please remember to provide full details of the address where you would like the response to be sent. Receipt of the complaint will be acknowledged on the same day that it is made by email. Letters will be sent out first class on the day of receipt. We undertake to treat the complaint confidentially and to investigate it impartially and thoroughly. A written report will be sent within 10 working days, although every effort will be made to respond in 5 working days. Details of the investigation and our proposed remedial action will be included with the response.
Details of all complaints will be kept on the complaint file and used to assist staff training and annual performance appraisals. If you are still unhappy with the response you receive from the department manager you may request that the Director reviews your complain and the way in which it was dealt with. The Director will ensure that your complaint has been dealt with fairly in with our policies and procedures.
You will receive a further written response from the Director within 10 working days of your appeal being received, although our target is 5 working days.
This document sets out High Skill centre Ltd complaints policy and is aimed at customers, learners and all interested parties who encounter a direct or indirect service from High Skill centre Ltd. It covers complaints which learners, members of the public or customers may wish to make in relation to the qualifications and associated services offered by High Skill centre Ltd. If you are unhappy about the way an assessment was managed and you suspect malpractice may have occurred you should send your concern to us in accordance with the arrangements in our Malpractice and Maladministration Policy.
Review Arrangements
We will review the policy and its associated procedures annually as part of our self-evaluation arrangements and revise it as and when necessary in response to customer, learner or regulatory feedback.
How Should I Complain?
You should first try to sort out any problem at the earliest opportunity by speaking to the person who dealt with you. If they cannot help or you wish to speak to someone else, you can ask to speak to the Manager.
If this is not possible, or if you are not satisfied with the help provided by the Manager, please send a written complaint. You should complain in writing, normally within one month of the event you are complaining about and address it to us at the contact details outlined at the end of policy.
What Details Do I Give?
When you contact us, please give us your full name, contact details including a daytime telephone number along with:
- a full description of your complaint (including the subject matter and dates and times if known)
- The names of any of the people you have dealt with so far
- Any copies you may have of papers or letters/emails to do with the complaint.
What Will Happen?
We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 5 working days, letting you know who is investigating your complaint.
We aim to investigate the complaint within 30 days. If your complaint is more complex, or involves people who are not available at the time, we may extend this to 60 days. We may contact you within this period to seek further information or clarification (in some instances we may recommend a meeting). At the end of the investigation we shall write/email to inform you of our decision. What happens if my Complaint is upheld?
If any part of your complaint is upheld we will of course apologise and give due consideration to how we can improve our service and arrangements – for example, by reviewing our procedures to assess the impact on our arrangements and assessment process (if relevant) or arranging for staff training. In extreme circumstances, disciplinary procedures may be exercised where the performance or behaviour of our staff is deemed inappropriate.
What if I Disagree?
If you disagree with the decision the first point of call is the Manager. If you are still unhappy with the decision taken by High Skill centre Ltd in reviewing the complaint you can then take the matter through our Appeal arrangements, which are outlined in our Appeals Policy. You may also complain directly to the relevant awarding organisation.
Contact us at
If you’ve any queries about the contents of the policy, please contact us on (+44)0121 238 4563 or via email at hussain@highskillcentre.co.uk